The Difference Between A Spiritual Master And A Preacher

Kuldip Singh
Nov 30, 2021


Saint Scholar Giani Naranjan Singh Ji, Shiromani Kathakar, Guru Nanak Ashram, Patiala

Many years ago, someone asked Saint Scholar Giani Naranjan Singh Ji, Shiromani Kathakar, Guru Nanak Ashram, Patiala, India -

“All the chaos in this world, who is responsible for it?”

The Master replied, “2 classes of people who live by the principle of divide and rule. One is politicians and the other preachers.”

This quote below shows the difference between a Spiritual Master and a preacher.

A Muslim lady asked Saint Scholar Giani Niranjan Singh Ji, Shiromani Kathakar, Guru Nanak Ashram, Patiala, India,

“What is the difference between Islam and the Sikh religion?”

The Master replied, “There is no difference.”

The lady was astounded at this reply and asked, “ Master, how can you say this”

The Master replied, “My daughter, I say this, simply because the Truth is One. It is only our form of worship which is different.”



Kuldip Singh

I serve in Guru Nanak Ashram in Patiala, Punjab, India. This Ashram is a centre for Spiritual retreat and learning.